Governance, Visibility, and Compliance for AI Systems

Fairo creates a clear path to AI trust, security, and risk management. Start today to bring governance, visibility, and compliance to your AI strategy!
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AI Visibility

Fairo maintains a central registry of all your AI Use Cases, Vendors, and Assets giving you visibility and insights into all your AI systems.
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AI Compliance

Fairo’s AI-assisted technology ensures organization-wide compliance with the leading AI governance frameworks, policies, and regulations, including the NIST AI RMF, EU AI Act, ONC HT-1, Colorado SB205, and ISO 42001:2023.
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AI Governance

Fairo ensures that you build trust in your AI solutions. By increasing alignment between your teams, and among your users, you will increase ROI through consistent and successful AI adoption.
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Evaluate Planned and Existing AI Use Cases

AI Impact Assessments help you gain insights, ensure compliance with regulations, and build trust in your AI solutions.
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Built For your Ecosystem

Connect your tools and connect your teams. Fairo is designed to work across your existing technology stack.
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Industry Perspectives

"It’s necessary to spend a lot of time on defining how to measure success."

- Data Scientist at Insurance Company
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"The most important thing is to define the issue business is facing and the outcome they are expecting. If you don’t define the expected outcome very clearly, you can go completely in the wrong direction."

- Data Scientist at Large Bank
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"Business units know how classical IT projects are run: The IT department gets the requirements and then iteratively implements them. But data science projects require much more interaction between domain experts and Data Scientists."

- Research Interviewee
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AI Will Transform Our World  

As with any transformative technology, progress is paced by organizations that provide trust and standards around their solutions. Get started with Fairo today.  
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