Implement AI Successfully and Responsibly in 45 Days.

Join us as we collectively write the playbook for operationalizing AI successfully and responsibly. Whether your organization has never built an AI model or has been delivering value with AI for years, all are welcome. Limited spots available! Click below to get started, or keep scrolling to learn more.

Take the Challenge. We are Too.

In addition to working with other organizations, we will be building our own AI use case in 45-days. We will be documenting our progress through a weekly series of videos and articles. Our goal is to inspire innovation through transparency and collaboration so that we, as a community, can begin to define industry-standard patterns for operationalizing AI solutions successfully and responsibly.  


Participating in Fairo's 45-day AI challenge is 100% free. No fine print. No sticky solutions. Your input and time are worth more than money.


Organizations accepted into the challenge receive both access to Fairo's platform and 1-1 support from Fairo's founder.

Cutting Edge

Fairo is not only providing a SaaS platform, we are innovating and pushing the boundaries on what it means to build AI products responsibly.

Scope & Onboarding

Understanding the scope of where the AI strategy will apply. Which teams, initiatives, environments, business units, etc. will be included. Defining a clear scope will help ensure success. Documenting existing systems and processes. Developing a deep understanding of where we are today.

Strategic Planning & Goal Setting

Inclusive process to level set on business goals and business roadmap first, then bring AI into discussion. Define a set of concrete use-cases for AI. Ensure that the resources for data and personnel exist to execute. Discuss and document risks, users, downstream effects (impacted parties) and expected value for each AI use case (this will be used to define metrics and KPIs later).

Ai. Simpler & Safer

Consume, develop, and implement AI solutions responsibly and confidently.

Operations & Governance

Apply cutting-edge AI success framework that will bring alignment, accountability, and visibility to AI lifecycle. Set up model governance, data governance, and post-deployment monitoring. Define metrics, success criteria, KPIs and testing procedures. Apply responsible AI framework to risks, and keep iterating to close gaps as they appear.


Bring the framework to life across tools, teams, and technologies. Show the world that you can hit your goals and deliver value through AI while still being responsible and ethical.  

Ai. Simpler & Safer

Consume, develop, and implement AI solutions responsibly and confidently.


Verify that your AI solution is achieving its intended outcome. Continuously evaluate metrics to ensure that drift is not adversely impacting your use-cases. Iterate and update the model as needed based on metric results or user feedback.

Scope & Onboarding

Understanding the scope of where the AI strategy will apply. Which teams, initiatives, environments, business units, etc. will be included. Defining a clear scope will help ensure success. Documenting existing systems and processes. Developing a deep understanding of where we are today.

Strategic Planning & Goal Setting

Inclusive process to level set on business goals and business roadmap first, then bring AI into discussion. Define a set of concrete use-cases for AI. Ensure that the resources for data and personnel exist to execute. Discuss and document risks, users, downstream effects (impacted parties) and expected value for each AI use case (this will be used to define metrics and KPIs later).

Operations & Governance

Apply cutting-edge AI success framework that will bring alignment, accountability, and visibility to AI lifecycle. Set up model governance, data governance, and post-deployment monitoring. Define metrics, success criteria, KPIs and testing procedures. Apply responsible AI framework to risks, and keep iterating to close gaps as they appear.


Bring the framework to life across tools, teams, and technologies. Show the world that you can hit your goals and deliver value through AI while still being responsible and ethical.  


Verify that your AI solution is achieving its intended outcome. Continuously evaluate metrics to ensure that drift is not adversely impacting your use-cases. Iterate and update the model as needed based on metric results or user feedback.

AI Will Transform Our World.  

As with any transformative technology, progress is paced by organizations that provide trust and standards around their solutions. Take the challenge, and get started today.
Adopt, develop, and implement AI solutions successfully and responsibly.
© 2024 Fairo. All rights reserved.